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Checking for E_STRICT
Вернуться к: Переход с PHP 5.0.x на PHP 5.1.x
If you only have a single script to check, you can pick up
errors using PHP's commandline lint
php -d error_reporting=4095 -l script_to_check.php
For larger projects, the shell script below will achieve the same task:
#!/bin/sh directory=$1 shift # These extensions are checked extensions="php inc" check_file () { echo -ne "Doing PHP syntax check on $1 ..." # Options: ERRORS=`/www/php/bin/php -d display_errors=1 -d html_errors=0 -d error_prepend_string=" " -d error_append_string=" " -d error_reporting=4095 -l $1 | grep -v "No syntax errors detected"` if test -z "$ERRORS"; then echo -ne "OK." else echo -e "Errors found!\n$ERRORS" fi echo } # loop over remaining file args for FILE in "$@" ; do for ext in $extensions; do if echo $FILE | grep "\.$ext$" > /dev/null; then if test -f $FILE; then check_file "$FILE" fi fi done done
Вернуться к: Переход с PHP 5.0.x на PHP 5.1.x