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MongoCommandCursor::dead - Checks if there are results that have not yet been sent from the database

Вернуться к: MongoCommandCursor


(PECL mongo >=1.5.0)

MongoCommandCursor::deadChecks if there are results that have not yet been sent from the database


public bool MongoCommandCursor::dead ( void )

This method checks whether the MongoCommandCursor cursor has been exhausted and the database has no more results to send to the client. A cursor being "dead" does not necessarily mean that there are no more results available for iteration.

Список параметров

У этой функции нет параметров.

Возвращаемые значения

Returns TRUE if there are more results that have not yet been sent to the client, and FALSE otherwise.

Смотрите также

Вернуться к: MongoCommandCursor

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