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MongoDB::createDBRef - Creates a database reference

Вернуться к: MongoDB


(PECL mongo >=0.9.0)

MongoDB::createDBRefCreates a database reference


public array MongoDB::createDBRef ( string $collection , mixed $document_or_id )

This method is a flexible interface for creating database refrences (see MongoDBRef).

Список параметров


The collection to which the database reference will point.


If an array or object is given, its _id field will be used as the reference ID. If a MongoId or scalar is given, it will be used as the reference ID.

Возвращаемые значения

Returns a database reference array.

If an array without an _id field was provided as the document_or_id parameter, NULL will be returned.


Пример #1 MongoDB::createDBRef() example

Example demonstrating how to programatically create a DB reference array from a document.



$article = array(
'title' => 'Test article',
'description' => 'Test article description'

$ref $db->createDBRef('articles'$article);


Результатом выполнения данного примера будет что-то подобное:

         [title] => Test article
         [description] => Test article description
         [_id] => MongoId Object

         [$ref] => articles
         [$id] => MongoId Object


Now the $ref can be stored on another document and retrieved later with MongoDB::getDBRef() or MongoCollection::getDBRef().

Пример #2 MongoDB::createDBRef() example

Example demonstrating how to programatically create a DB reference from just an id.


= new MongoId('47cc67093475061e3d9536d2');
$ref $db->createDBRef('articles'$id);

Вернуться к: MongoDB

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