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Paradox Функции

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Object oriented API

The paradox extension provides also an object oriented API. It consists of only one class called paradox_db. Its methods only differ from the functions in its name and of course the missing first parameter. The following table will list all methods and its equivalent functions.

Methods of class paradox_db
Name of method Equivalent function
Constructor px_new()
Destructor px_delete()
open_fp() px_open_fp()
create_fp() px_create_fp()
close() px_close()
numrecords() px_numrecords()
numfields() px_numfields()
get_record() px_get_record()
put_record() px_put_record()
retrieve_record() px_retrieve_record()
delete_record() px_delete_record()
insert_record() px_insert_record()
update_record() px_update_record()
get_field() px_get_field()
get_schema() px_get_schema()
get_info() px_get_info()
set_parameter() px_set_parameter()
get_parameter() px_get_parameter()
set_value() px_set_value()
get_value() px_get_value()
get_info() px_get_info()
set_targetencoding() px_set_targetencoding()
set_tablename() px_set_tablename()
set_blob_file() px_set_blob_file()
date2string() px_date2string()
timestamp2string() px_timestamp2string()


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