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PDO_4D DSN - Connecting to 4D SQL server
Вернуться к: 4D (PDO)
(Информация о версии неизвестна, возможно, только в SVN)
PDO_4D DSN — Connecting to 4D SQL server
The PDO_4D DSN consists of:
- DSN prefix
The DSN prefix is
. - host
The host on which the 4D SQL server is.
- port
The port number for the server. This is optional.
- user
The login name when connecting to the database.
- password
The password for the above login.
- dbname
The name of the database. This parameter is optional, and it is not used.
- charset
The 4D character set.
Пример #1 DSN examples for PDO_4D
The following examples has two DSN for PDO_4D, that connects to a 4D database :
4D:host=localhost 4D:
Вернуться к: 4D (PDO)