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Radius Функции
Вернуться к: Radius
- radius_acct_open — Creates a Radius handle for accounting
- radius_add_server — Adds a server
- radius_auth_open — Creates a Radius handle for authentication
- radius_close — Frees all ressources
- radius_config — Causes the library to read the given configuration file
- radius_create_request — Create accounting or authentication request
- radius_cvt_addr — Converts raw data to IP-Address
- radius_cvt_int — Converts raw data to integer
- radius_cvt_string — Converts raw data to string
- radius_demangle_mppe_key — Derives mppe-keys from mangled data
- radius_demangle — Demangles data
- radius_get_attr — Extracts an attribute
- radius_get_tagged_attr_data — Extracts the data from a tagged attribute
- radius_get_tagged_attr_tag — Extracts the tag from a tagged attribute
- radius_get_vendor_attr — Extracts a vendor specific attribute
- radius_put_addr — Attaches an IP address attribute
- radius_put_attr — Attaches a binary attribute
- radius_put_int — Attaches an integer attribute
- radius_put_string — Attaches a string attribute
- radius_put_vendor_addr — Attaches a vendor specific IP address attribute
- radius_put_vendor_attr — Attaches a vendor specific binary attribute
- radius_put_vendor_int — Attaches a vendor specific integer attribute
- radius_put_vendor_string — Attaches a vendor specific string attribute
- radius_request_authenticator — Returns the request authenticator
- radius_salt_encrypt_attr — Salt-encrypts a value
- radius_send_request — Sends the request and waites for a reply
- radius_server_secret — Returns the shared secret
- radius_strerror — Returns an error message
Вернуться к: Radius