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Swish Функции
Вернуться к: Swish
- Swish::__construct — Construct a Swish object
- Swish::getMetaList — Get the list of meta entries for the index
- Swish::getPropertyList — Get the list of properties for the index
- Swish::prepare — Prepare a search query
- Swish::query — Execute a query and return results object
- SwishResult::getMetaList — Get a list of meta entries
- SwishResult::stem — Stems the given word
- SwishResults::getParsedWords — Get an array of parsed words
- SwishResults::getRemovedStopwords — Get an array of stopwords removed from the query
- SwishResults::nextResult — Get the next search result
- SwishResults::seekResult — Set current seek pointer to the given position
- SwishSearch::execute — Execute the search and get the results
- SwishSearch::resetLimit — Reset the search limits
- SwishSearch::setLimit — Set the search limits
- SwishSearch::setPhraseDelimiter — Set the phrase delimiter
- SwishSearch::setSort — Set the sort order
- SwishSearch::setStructure — Set the structure flag in the search object
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