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SolrClient::addDocument - Adds a document to the index

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(PECL solr >= 0.9.2)

SolrClient::addDocumentAdds a document to the index


public SolrUpdateResponse SolrClient::addDocument ( SolrInputDocument $doc [, bool $overwrite = true [, int $commitWithin = 0 ]] )

This method adds a document to the index.

Список параметров


The SolrInputDocument instance.


Whether to overwrite existing document or not. If FALSE there will be duplicates (several documents with the same ID).


PECL Solr < 2.0 $allowDups was used instead of $overwrite, which does the same functionality with exact opposite bool flag.

$allowDups = false is the same as $overwrite = true


Number of milliseconds within which to auto commit this document. Available since Solr 1.4 . Default (0) means disabled.

When this value specified, it leaves the control of when to do the commit to Solr itself, optimizing number of commits to a minimum while still fulfilling the update latency requirements, and Solr will automatically do a commit when the oldest add in the buffer is due.

Возвращаемые значения

Returns a SolrUpdateResponse object or throws an Exception on failure.


Throws SolrClientException if the client had failed, or there was a connection issue.

Throws SolrServerException if the Solr Server had failed to process the request.


Пример #1 SolrClient::addDocument() example


= array
'port'     => SOLR_SERVER_PORT,

$client = new SolrClient($options);

$doc = new SolrInputDocument();


$updateResponse $client->addDocument($doc);

// you will have to commit changes to be written if you didn't use $commitWithin



Результатом выполнения данного примера будет что-то подобное:

SolrObject Object
    [responseHeader] => SolrObject Object
            [status] => 0
            [QTime] => 1


Пример #2 SolrClient::addDocument() example 2


= array
'port'     => SOLR_SERVER_PORT,

$client = new SolrClient($options);

$doc = new SolrInputDocument();


// No need to call commit() because $commitWithin is passed, so Solr Server will auto commit within 10 seconds
$updateResponse $client->addDocument($docfalse10000);



Результатом выполнения данного примера будет что-то подобное:

SolrObject Object
    [responseHeader] => SolrObject Object
            [status] => 0
            [QTime] => 1


Смотрите также

Вернуться к: SolrClient

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