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SolrInputDocument::sort - Sorts the fields within the document

Вернуться к: SolrInputDocument


(PECL solr >= 0.9.2)

SolrInputDocument::sortSorts the fields within the document


public bool SolrInputDocument::sort ( int $sortOrderBy [, int $sortDirection = SolrInputDocument::SORT_ASC ] )

The fields are rearranged according to the specified criteria and sort direction
   Fields can be sorted by boost values, field names and number of values.
   The $order_by parameter must be one of :
   * SolrInputDocument::SORT_FIELD_NAME
   * SolrInputDocument::SORT_FIELD_BOOST_VALUE
   * SolrInputDocument::SORT_FIELD_VALUE_COUNT
   The sort direction can be one of :
   * SolrInputDocument::SORT_DEFAULT
   * SolrInputDocument::SORT_ASC
   * SolrInputDocument::SORT_DESC

Список параметров


The sort criteria


The sort direction

Возвращаемые значения

Возвращает TRUE в случае успешного завершения или FALSE в случае возникновения ошибки.

Вернуться к: SolrInputDocument

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