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The SWFDisplayItem class
Вернуться к: Ming
(PHP 5 <= 5.3.0, PECL ming SVN)
Обзор классов
/* Методы */
- SWFDisplayItem::addAction — Adds this SWFAction to the given SWFSprite instance
- SWFDisplayItem::addColor — Adds the given color to this item's color transform
- SWFDisplayItem::endMask — Another way of defining a MASK layer
- SWFDisplayItem::getRot — Описание
- SWFDisplayItem::getX — Описание
- SWFDisplayItem::getXScale — Описание
- SWFDisplayItem::getXSkew — Описание
- SWFDisplayItem::getY — Описание
- SWFDisplayItem::getYScale — Описание
- SWFDisplayItem::getYSkew — Описание
- SWFDisplayItem::move — Moves object in relative coordinates
- SWFDisplayItem::moveTo — Moves object in global coordinates
- SWFDisplayItem::multColor — Multiplies the item's color transform
- SWFDisplayItem::remove — Removes the object from the movie
- SWFDisplayItem::rotate — Rotates in relative coordinates
- SWFDisplayItem::rotateTo — Rotates the object in global coordinates
- SWFDisplayItem::scale — Scales the object in relative coordinates
- SWFDisplayItem::scaleTo — Scales the object in global coordinates
- SWFDisplayItem::setDepth — Sets z-order
- SWFDisplayItem::setMaskLevel — Defines a MASK layer at level
- SWFDisplayItem::setMatrix — Sets the item's transform matrix
- SWFDisplayItem::setName — Sets the object's name
- SWFDisplayItem::setRatio — Sets the object's ratio
- SWFDisplayItem::skewX — Sets the X-skew
- SWFDisplayItem::skewXTo — Sets the X-skew
- SWFDisplayItem::skewY — Sets the Y-skew
- SWFDisplayItem::skewYTo — Sets the Y-skew
Вернуться к: Ming