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Ming (flash)
Вернуться к: Генерация нетекстовых MIME форматов
- Введение
- Установка и настройка
- Предопределенные константы
- Примеры
- Ming Функции
- ming_keypress — Returns the action flag for keyPress(char)
- ming_setcubicthreshold — Set cubic threshold
- ming_setscale — Set the global scaling factor.
- ming_setswfcompression — Sets the SWF output compression
- ming_useconstants — Use constant pool
- ming_useswfversion — Sets the SWF version
- SWFAction — The SWFAction class
- SWFAction::__construct — Creates a new SWFAction
- SWFBitmap — The SWFBitmap class
- SWFBitmap::__construct — Loads Bitmap object
- SWFBitmap::getHeight — Returns the bitmap's height
- SWFBitmap::getWidth — Returns the bitmap's width
- SWFButton — The SWFButton class
- SWFButton::addAction — Adds an action
- SWFButton::addASound — Associates a sound with a button transition
- SWFButton::addShape — Adds a shape to a button
- SWFButton::__construct — Creates a new Button
- SWFButton::setAction — Sets the action
- SWFButton::setDown — Alias for addShape(shape, SWFBUTTON_DOWN)
- SWFButton::setHit — Alias for addShape(shape, SWFBUTTON_HIT)
- SWFButton::setMenu — enable track as menu button behaviour
- SWFButton::setOver — Alias for addShape(shape, SWFBUTTON_OVER)
- SWFButton::setUp — Alias for addShape(shape, SWFBUTTON_UP)
- SWFDisplayItem — The SWFDisplayItem class
- SWFDisplayItem::addAction — Adds this SWFAction to the given SWFSprite instance
- SWFDisplayItem::addColor — Adds the given color to this item's color transform
- SWFDisplayItem::endMask — Another way of defining a MASK layer
- SWFDisplayItem::getRot — Описание
- SWFDisplayItem::getX — Описание
- SWFDisplayItem::getXScale — Описание
- SWFDisplayItem::getXSkew — Описание
- SWFDisplayItem::getY — Описание
- SWFDisplayItem::getYScale — Описание
- SWFDisplayItem::getYSkew — Описание
- SWFDisplayItem::move — Moves object in relative coordinates
- SWFDisplayItem::moveTo — Moves object in global coordinates
- SWFDisplayItem::multColor — Multiplies the item's color transform
- SWFDisplayItem::remove — Removes the object from the movie
- SWFDisplayItem::rotate — Rotates in relative coordinates
- SWFDisplayItem::rotateTo — Rotates the object in global coordinates
- SWFDisplayItem::scale — Scales the object in relative coordinates
- SWFDisplayItem::scaleTo — Scales the object in global coordinates
- SWFDisplayItem::setDepth — Sets z-order
- SWFDisplayItem::setMaskLevel — Defines a MASK layer at level
- SWFDisplayItem::setMatrix — Sets the item's transform matrix
- SWFDisplayItem::setName — Sets the object's name
- SWFDisplayItem::setRatio — Sets the object's ratio
- SWFDisplayItem::skewX — Sets the X-skew
- SWFDisplayItem::skewXTo — Sets the X-skew
- SWFDisplayItem::skewY — Sets the Y-skew
- SWFDisplayItem::skewYTo — Sets the Y-skew
- SWFFill — The SWFFill class
- SWFFill::moveTo — Moves fill origin
- SWFFill::rotateTo — Sets fill's rotation
- SWFFill::scaleTo — Sets fill's scale
- SWFFill::skewXTo — Sets fill x-skew
- SWFFill::skewYTo — Sets fill y-skew
- SWFFont — The SWFFont class
- SWFFont::__construct — Loads a font definition
- SWFFont::getAscent — Returns the ascent of the font, or 0 if not available
- SWFFont::getDescent — Returns the descent of the font, or 0 if not available
- SWFFont::getLeading — Returns the leading of the font, or 0 if not available
- SWFFont::getShape — Returns the glyph shape of a char as a text string
- SWFFont::getUTF8Width — Calculates the width of the given string in this font at full height
- SWFFont::getWidth — Returns the string's width
- SWFFontChar — The SWFFontChar class
- SWFFontChar::addChars — Adds characters to a font for exporting font
- SWFFontChar::addUTF8Chars — Adds characters to a font for exporting font
- SWFGradient — The SWFGradient class
- SWFGradient::addEntry — Adds an entry to the gradient list
- SWFGradient::__construct — Creates a gradient object
- SWFMorph — The SWFMorph class
- SWFMorph::__construct — Creates a new SWFMorph object
- SWFMorph::getShape1 — Gets a handle to the starting shape
- SWFMorph::getShape2 — Gets a handle to the ending shape
- SWFMovie — The SWFMovie class
- SWFMovie::add — Adds any type of data to a movie
- SWFMovie::addExport — Описание
- SWFMovie::addFont — Описание
- SWFMovie::__construct — Creates a new movie object, representing an SWF version 4 movie
- SWFMovie::importChar — Описание
- SWFMovie::importFont — Описание
- SWFMovie::labelFrame — Labels a frame
- SWFMovie::nextFrame — Moves to the next frame of the animation
- SWFMovie::output — Dumps your lovingly prepared movie out
- SWFMovie::remove — Removes the object instance from the display list
- SWFMovie::save — Saves the SWF movie in a file
- SWFMovie::saveToFile — Описание
- SWFMovie::setbackground — Sets the background color
- SWFMovie::setDimension — Sets the movie's width and height
- SWFMovie::setFrames — Sets the total number of frames in the animation
- SWFMovie::setRate — Sets the animation's frame rate
- SWFMovie::startSound — Описание
- SWFMovie::stopSound — Описание
- SWFMovie::streamMP3 — Streams a MP3 file
- SWFMovie::writeExports — Описание
- SWFPrebuiltClip — The SWFPrebuiltClip class
- SWFPrebuiltClip::__construct — Возвращает объект класса SWFPrebuiltClip
- SWFShape — The SWFShape class
- SWFShape::addFill — Adds a solid fill to the shape
- SWFShape::__construct — Creates a new shape object
- SWFShape::drawArc — Draws an arc of radius r centered at the current location, from angle startAngle to angle endAngle measured clockwise from 12 o'clock
- SWFShape::drawCircle — Draws a circle of radius r centered at the current location, in a counter-clockwise fashion
- SWFShape::drawCubic — Draws a cubic bezier curve using the current position and the three given points as control points
- SWFShape::drawCubicTo — Draws a cubic bezier curve using the current position and the three given points as control points
- SWFShape::drawCurve — Draws a curve (relative)
- SWFShape::drawCurveTo — Draws a curve
- SWFShape::drawGlyph — Draws the first character in the given string into the shape using the glyph definition from the given font
- SWFShape::drawLine — Draws a line (relative)
- SWFShape::drawLineTo — Draws a line
- SWFShape::movePen — Moves the shape's pen (relative)
- SWFShape::movePenTo — Moves the shape's pen
- SWFShape::setLeftFill — Sets left rasterizing color
- SWFShape::setLine — Sets the shape's line style
- SWFShape::setRightFill — Sets right rasterizing color
- SWFSound — The SWFSound class
- SWFSound::__construct — Возвращает новый объект SWFSound из заданного файла
- SWFSoundInstance — The SWFSoundInstance class
- SWFSoundInstance::loopCount — Описание
- SWFSoundInstance::loopInPoint — Описание
- SWFSoundInstance::loopOutPoint — Описание
- SWFSoundInstance::noMultiple — Описание
- SWFSprite — The SWFSprite class
- SWFSprite::add — Adds an object to a sprite
- SWFSprite::__construct — Creates a movie clip (a sprite)
- SWFSprite::labelFrame — Labels frame
- SWFSprite::nextFrame — Moves to the next frame of the animation
- SWFSprite::remove — Removes an object to a sprite
- SWFSprite::setFrames — Sets the total number of frames in the animation
- SWFSprite::startSound — Описание
- SWFSprite::stopSound — Описание
- SWFText — The SWFText class
- SWFText::addString — Draws a string
- SWFText::addUTF8String — Writes the given text into this SWFText object at the current pen position, using the current font, height, spacing, and color
- SWFText::__construct — Creates a new SWFText object
- SWFText::getAscent — Returns the ascent of the current font at its current size, or 0 if not available
- SWFText::getDescent — Returns the descent of the current font at its current size, or 0 if not available
- SWFText::getLeading — Returns the leading of the current font at its current size, or 0 if not available
- SWFText::getUTF8Width — calculates the width of the given string in this text objects current font and size
- SWFText::getWidth — Computes string's width
- SWFText::moveTo — Moves the pen
- SWFText::setColor — Sets the current text color
- SWFText::setFont — Sets the current font
- SWFText::setHeight — Sets the current font height
- SWFText::setSpacing — Sets the current font spacing
- SWFTextField — The SWFTextField class
- SWFTextField::addChars — adds characters to a font that will be available within a textfield
- SWFTextField::addString — Concatenates the given string to the text field
- SWFTextField::align — Sets the text field alignment
- SWFTextField::__construct — Creates a text field object
- SWFTextField::setBounds — Sets the text field width and height
- SWFTextField::setColor — Sets the color of the text field
- SWFTextField::setFont — Sets the text field font
- SWFTextField::setHeight — Sets the font height of this text field font
- SWFTextField::setIndentation — Sets the indentation of the first line
- SWFTextField::setLeftMargin — Sets the left margin width of the text field
- SWFTextField::setLineSpacing — Sets the line spacing of the text field
- SWFTextField::setMargins — Sets the margins width of the text field
- SWFTextField::setName — Sets the variable name
- SWFTextField::setPadding — Sets the padding of this textfield
- SWFTextField::setRightMargin — Sets the right margin width of the text field
- SWFVideoStream — The SWFVideoStream class
- SWFVideoStream::__construct — Возвращает объект класса SWFVideoStream
- SWFVideoStream::getNumFrames — Возвращает количество кадров в видео-файле
- SWFVideoStream::setDimension — Устанавливает размер видео
Вернуться к: Генерация нетекстовых MIME форматов