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The Yaf_Route_Simple class

Вернуться к: Yaf

(Yaf >=1.0.0)


Yaf_Route_Simple will match the query string, and find the route info.

all you need to do is tell Yaf_Route_Simple what key in the $_GET is module, what key is controller, and what key is action.

Yaf_Route_Simple::route() will always return TRUE, so it is important put Yaf_Route_Simple in the front of the Route stack, otherwise all the other routes will not be called.

Обзор классов

Yaf_Route_Simple implements Yaf_Route_Interface {
/* Свойства */
protected $controller ;
protected $module ;
protected $action ;
/* Методы */
public string assemble ( array $info [, array $query ] )
public __construct ( string $module_name , string $controller_name , string $action_name )
public bool route ( Yaf_Request_Abstract $request )






Вернуться к: Yaf

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