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The SWFShape class
Вернуться к: Ming
(PHP 5 <= 5.3.0, PECL ming SVN)
Обзор классов
/* Методы */
( void
int drawCurve
( float
, float $controldy
, float $anchordx
, float $anchordy
[, float $targetdx
], float $targetdy
int drawCurveTo
( float
, float $controly
, float $anchorx
, float $anchory
[, float $targetx
], float $targety
- SWFShape::addFill — Adds a solid fill to the shape
- SWFShape::__construct — Creates a new shape object
- SWFShape::drawArc — Draws an arc of radius r centered at the current location, from angle startAngle to angle endAngle measured clockwise from 12 o'clock
- SWFShape::drawCircle — Draws a circle of radius r centered at the current location, in a counter-clockwise fashion
- SWFShape::drawCubic — Draws a cubic bezier curve using the current position and the three given points as control points
- SWFShape::drawCubicTo — Draws a cubic bezier curve using the current position and the three given points as control points
- SWFShape::drawCurve — Draws a curve (relative)
- SWFShape::drawCurveTo — Draws a curve
- SWFShape::drawGlyph — Draws the first character in the given string into the shape using the glyph definition from the given font
- SWFShape::drawLine — Draws a line (relative)
- SWFShape::drawLineTo — Draws a line
- SWFShape::movePen — Moves the shape's pen (relative)
- SWFShape::movePenTo — Moves the shape's pen
- SWFShape::setLeftFill — Sets left rasterizing color
- SWFShape::setLine — Sets the shape's line style
- SWFShape::setRightFill — Sets right rasterizing color
Вернуться к: Ming