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The IntlPartsIterator class

Вернуться к: intl

(Информация о версии неизвестна, возможно, только в SVN)


Objects of this class can be obtained from IntlBreakIterator objects. While the break iterators provide a sequence of boundary positions when iterated, IntlPartsIterator objects provide, as a convenience, the text fragments comprehended between two successive boundaries.

The keys may represent the offset of the left boundary, right boundary, or they may just the sequence of non-negative integers. See IntlBreakIterator::getPartsIterator().

Обзор классов

IntlPartsIterator extends IntlIterator implements Iterator {
/* Constants */
const integer KEY_SEQUENTIAL = 0 ;
const integer KEY_LEFT = 1 ;
const integer KEY_RIGHT = 2 ;
/* Методы */
public ReturnType getBreakIterator ( void )
/* Наследуемые методы */
public ReturnType IntlIterator::current ( void )
public ReturnType IntlIterator::key ( void )
public ReturnType IntlIterator::next ( void )
public ReturnType IntlIterator::rewind ( void )
public ReturnType IntlIterator::valid ( void )

Предопределенные константы





Вернуться к: intl

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