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The OAuth class
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(PECL OAuth >= 0.99.1)
The OAuth extension provides a simple interface to interact with data providers using the OAuth HTTP specification to protect private resources.
Обзор классов
/* Свойства */
/* Методы */
public __construct
( string
, string $consumer_secret
[, string $signature_method
[, int $auth_type
= 0
]] )
public mixed fetch
( string
[, array $extra_parameters
[, string $http_method
[, array $http_headers
]]] )
public array getAccessToken
( string
[, string $auth_session_handle
[, string $verifier_token
[, string $http_method
]]] )
public array getRequestToken
( string
[, string $callback_url
[, string $http_method
]] )Свойства
- debug
- sslChecks
- debugInfo
- OAuth::__construct — Create a new OAuth object
- OAuth::__destruct — The destructor
- OAuth::disableDebug — Turn off verbose debugging
- OAuth::disableRedirects — Turn off redirects
- OAuth::disableSSLChecks — Turn off SSL checks
- OAuth::enableDebug — Turn on verbose debugging
- OAuth::enableRedirects — Turn on redirects
- OAuth::enableSSLChecks — Turn on SSL checks
- OAuth::fetch — Fetch an OAuth protected resource
- OAuth::generateSignature — Generate a signature
- OAuth::getAccessToken — Fetch an access token
- OAuth::getCAPath — Gets CA information
- OAuth::getLastResponse — Get the last response
- OAuth::getLastResponseHeaders — Get headers for last response
- OAuth::getLastResponseInfo — Get HTTP information about the last response
- OAuth::getRequestHeader — Generate OAuth header string signature
- OAuth::getRequestToken — Fetch a request token
- OAuth::setAuthType — Set authorization type
- OAuth::setCAPath — Set CA path and info
- OAuth::setNonce — Set the nonce for subsequent requests
- OAuth::setRequestEngine — The setRequestEngine purpose
- OAuth::setRSACertificate — Set the RSA certificate
- OAuth::setSSLChecks — Tweak specific SSL checks for requests.
- OAuth::setTimestamp — Set the timestamp
- OAuth::setToken — Sets the token and secret
- OAuth::setVersion — Set the OAuth version
Вернуться к: OAuth